As experienced professionals and educators in mental health and social services, we design our curriculum to be impactful, meaningful, and immediately actionable.
Too often, ongoing education is redundant, superficial, and leaves you wondering why you took the time off work to achieve little more than “checking a box.”
Simply put: we create the kind of training we would want to attend.

Leading for the Long Haul: Achieving Longevity in Leadership
Leaders in social services are exhausted, underdeveloped, struggling to meet the changing needs of employees, and in many cases - leaving leadership altogether.
“Leading for the Long Haul” helps new and established leaders identify their professional motivations, debunk myths, and explore the power of self-reflection for a sustainable leadership practice. Participants will leave with tools and resources for continued growth and development.
Navigating Leadership
Organizational goals and employee goals sometimes overlap but often compete. Leaders frequently feel pulled in opposite directions - unable to please one stakeholder without disappointing the other. This workshop introduces a framework to help leaders navigate those challenges, stay true to self, and avoid burnout.
Financial Literacy for Leaders in Social Services
"But I got into this work to help people, not worry about profit." This workshop prepares leaders to navigate and normalize financial discussions with mission delivery staff.
Build Your Community and Plan of Action
Leaders shouldn’t have to do this work alone. We need each other and the opportunity to build a community of peers. We need tools and guidance to help us all realize how our strengths allow us to thrive and create longevity in leadership positions. This workshop provides a template for your plan of action and connects participants to a cohort for future learning and support.